sourdough basics

Sometimes you want a sandwich: Sourdough sandwich bread tutorial

Sometimes you want a sandwich: Sourdough sandwich bread tutorial

Look, I’m all about the artisan boule. It is my preferred bread form, and I make between four and eight loaves a week. No, I do not eat them all, but I delight in the three-day process to nurture them into existence and the joy […]

This is the whole point: artisan sourdough bread tutorial

This is the whole point: artisan sourdough bread tutorial

How’s your starter looking? Bubbly and happy? Are you feeding it every day? Is it sour and pungent? Have you taken a little taste, and immediately screwed up your face because *wowser* that’s why they call it sourdough? Have you used it in anything yet? Are […]

Sourdough bread baking gear: equipment list

Sourdough bread baking gear: equipment list

Woohoo! I love kitchen stuff! I love owning it. I love shopping for it. I love wandering the aisles of a fancy kitchen shop and wondering how I could fit that particularly useful/utterly useless item onto my overstuffed kitchen counters. I’m also very good at […]

Get your sourdough starter on

Get your sourdough starter on

Oh bread! Glorious bread. When I was a kid, my dad brought home fresh loaves of granola bread every week from the Portuguese Bakery in Nashua, New Hampshire. I lived on the stuff. It was wholesome, a little bit sweet, with a chewy, thick crust […]