Meal plan: week of April 15, 2018

Last week was spring break in Seattle, which meant a near-constant presence of helpful little hands and voices asking for something to eat, something to drink, someone to build a lego garage, no two, no three, no can you just build an entire town, someone to PLEASE LOOK AT THIS, and someone to pay all the attention all the time. Sometimes this is exhausting, but this last week was actually quite lovely, with leisurely breakfasts and low key afternoons, a very fun bread-making playdate, and a last minute trip out to the Methow Valley, one of my favorite places in all the world. A generally victorious week, and a genuinely sad Mama that it’s over. Which I think means it was a very successful spring break indeed.

After a leisurely pace last week, this one coming up looms large, but I’ve managed to cobble together a meal plan, and hope it holds up to the pending chaos.
Monday. Beetroot and feta patties, from Green Kitchen at Home, along with Instant-Potted artichokes.
Tuesday. Pinto bean quesadillas (I’ll probably mash up the beans with some cilantro, nothing fancy happening here), along with some variation on these tangerine carrots from Melissa Clark’s Dinner in an Instant. I made my own ricotta last week, and want to do it again soon because it was so delightful. I think with a little salt, I can make it work with the quesadillas.
Wednesday. Kiddo only kind of cooks this week; she’s making a salad. I’ll make Smitten Kitchen’s Cacio e Pepe potatoes anna to go along with it. I’ve made it before, and yum.
Thursday. I’m trying this no-guilt broccoli alfredo from Half Baked Harvest. Not because I would feel any guilt about making proper alfredo, but because this actually sounds delicious, and I have a tub of hummus lying around. Incidentally, while away, I decided I should undertake to develop a perfect hummus recipe. Any interest? This is one of the recipes I pilfered from my friend’s cookbook stash last weekend.
Friday. “Sushi” bowl, from Lukas Volger’s Bowl (it involves sweet potato, cucumber, scallions, and pickled ginger over rice). I am going to attempt my own pickled ginger, which is exciting. I made two different pickles last week – a pickled celeriac to use up a sagging celeriac in our produce drawer, and a cucumber and chard pickle to go with a stir-fried quinoa. Both were super tasty and keep so well, it reminded me I should be making pickles more often.
What are you whipping up this week? Did you survive spring break?