Meal plans

Meal plan: week of June 4, 2018

Meal plan: week of June 4, 2018

What in the world, JUNE. How did that happen? This last week was a total blur of school functions; turns out, if I lose a productive Monday to sunshine and fun with the family, the rest of the week is kind of a shambles. House? Disaster. Refrigerator? […]

Meal plan: week of May 28, 2018

Meal plan: week of May 28, 2018

This weekend has been a baking bonanza for me, which is always a delight, until you realise you inadvertently presented your gluten-free host with lemon bars, confidently pronounced the curd gluten-free, and then later that evening broke out in a cold sweat remembering you added […]

Meal plan: week of May 21, 2018

Meal plan: week of May 21, 2018

Well. Last week’s meal plan – as basic as it was – went a little off the rails. It’s bananas how much my husband being out of town saps me of any energy for the kitchen. Or frankly, any energy for doing much of anything […]

Meal plan: week of May 14, 2018

Meal plan: week of May 14, 2018

Today my youngest, my squashy stubborn silly little fella, turned four. Four! What on earth. It was a very good day, not least because of this delightful cake, the layers for which I very sensibly made yesterday, and the frosting today. Reminder to self: this […]

Meal plan: week of May 7, 2018

Meal plan: week of May 7, 2018

Today was just straight up a pure summer day, hot and sunny, kids trashed after hours riding bikes and playing in an enormous mulch mountain at the park. It was a very good day, and makes me very excited for all the very good days […]

Meal plan: week of April 30, 2018

Meal plan: week of April 30, 2018

Seattle remembered its identity over the weekend and has returned us to a generally grey and damp existence, but the weather lobotomy over the last week was truly glorious. Just when Seattle’s hardy residents are all “enough with the rain and the cold and the […]

Meal plan: week of April 23, 2018

Meal plan: week of April 23, 2018

Ohhhh….Spring has sprung, said the bumblebee…. It takes pretty much all of my self control not to burst into this particularly charming preschool song everytime I step out the door these days. Everything is blooming and glorious, not only the pink and white and purple […]

Meal plan: week of April 15, 2018

Meal plan: week of April 15, 2018

Last week was spring break in Seattle, which meant a near-constant presence of helpful little hands and voices asking for something to eat, something to drink, someone to build a lego garage, no two, no three, no can you just build an entire town, someone […]

Meal plan: week of April 9, 2018

Meal plan: week of April 9, 2018

I was away last week and over the weekend, and this week is spring break, so getting dinner together the next few days is going to be a feat of willpower alone. While away, I pillaged my friend’s delightful cookbook collection, and she sent me […]

Meal plan: week of April 2, 2018

Meal plan: week of April 2, 2018

I ate so much today for Easter brunch – including a quite successful, if slightly underbaked, chocolate babka/krantz cake that I successfully adapted from the Ottolenghi recipe in Jerusalem (using a few notes from Smitten Kitchen) to work as a naturally leavened, pre-fermented sourdough concoction. Can I […]